Six Creative Ways to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

Is your child ready to start brushing his or her own teeth? Try these tips to get your young one on the road to developing an oral care routine. Once your child gets the hang of doing it, he or she will be excited to do it.

Start Brushing Children’s Teeth Early

  • Work together to establish a clear routine and stick to it!
  • Reinforce the importance of brushing teeth by giving them good, clear reasons. Tell them that brushing everyday helps to prevent cavities and will give them a beautiful smile.

Show and Tell with a Toothbrush

  • Brush your own teeth while your child is brushing. Get down on their level so they can see what you are doing.
  • Demonstrate how to brush in circles, like train wheels going around on a track from left-to-right and right-to left.
  • Show them how you brush all their teeth, top and bottom, front and back.

Let Them Pick Their Own Toothbrush & Toothpaste

  • Children's toothpaste comes in a variety of flavors and varieties- some even feature their favorite characters. Let them pick a couple of different ones, so they can switch it up.
  • There are several children's toothbrushes that are colorful and fun. Let them pick one with their favorite colors and characters.

Encourage Them to Brush on Their Own (Around Age 2)

  • Let them put the toothpaste on the brush and do it by themselves.
  • Don't worry about the mess - it cleans up easily.

Make a Game of Brushing Teeth

  • The minimum amount of time your children should brush is 2 minutes. Set a timer and see if they can continue for the correct amount of time.
  • Brush along with them. Have a contest to see who can create the most bubbles with their brushing.
  • Ask your children to show you how clean their teeth are after getting rid of all the cavity monsters.

Compliment Your Child’s Brushing

  • You want them to develop a life-life long oral care routine, so use positive reinforcement.
  • Create a sticker chart and give them stars for brushing their teeth twice a day and for flossing once a day.
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