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How to Care for Your Baby’s First Teeth and Gums

Oral care for babies should start before those first baby teeth even start to cut through the gums. The earlier you start an oral care routine, the easier it is to transition kids to brushing on their own.

This way, they'll be used to doing it every day when they're older. But, there is a difference in how you care for your baby's mouth before the teeth start to show... and after they're in place.

How to Care for Your Baby’s First Teeth and Gums

Caring for Your Baby's Gum

Brushing Your Baby's Teeth (over 4 months old)

How To Clean:
Gently wipe down your Baby's gums after feedings and at bedtime using a clean, damp washcloth.

How To Clean:
Use a finger brush or soft-bristle baby toothbrush with a wide handle and a small head. Parents should brush their child's teeth 2 times a day.


No products are recommended until your baby is 4 months old


For babies 4 months and up, use a fluoride-free product like Baby Orajel™ Tooth & Gum Cleanser

Will My Child Need Fluoride Treatments with a Dentist?

Children who have a greater risk of cavities usually receive a professional fluoride treatment every six months. Talk to your Dentist to determine your child’s fluoride need.