Preventing Cavities and Tooth Decay in Baby Teeth

Sure, those little teeth are just baby teeth, but they can still get cavities and tooth decay. Here's what you need to know to recognize, and to prevent, baby tooth decay.

Know the Signs: Identifying Cavities in Baby Teeth

  • Be aware of any discoloration of the teeth
  • Be aware of any pits on the teeth

Healthy Habits: Help Avoid Tooth Decay

  • Never put your baby to bed with a bottle or a sippy cup of: juice, milk, or formula. Remove the bottle or cup as soon as the baby is done feeding or is asleep.
  • Breastfeeding provides the best possible nutrition and has not been associated with an increased risk of cavities in baby teeth.
  • Do not share eating utensils (forks, spoons, straws, etc.) with your baby. Bacteria from your mouth can be passed on to the baby increasing their risk of tooth decay.

Good Oral Hygiene Can Prevent Tooth Decay

  • Clean your baby's teeth and gums twice a day.
  • Establish a relationship with a Dentist by 12 months of age.
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